Leon Scott Kennedy Workout Plan: Real Life Resident Evil Training

Leon Kennedy Training


In the universe of horror, Leon Scott Kennedy is one of the most prominent figures in fiction and in video games! 

From his debut in Resident Evil 2 from being a rookie cop in Raccoon City to eventually becoming a seasoned government agent, Leon Kennedy has faced some of the most horrifying circumstances we’ve seen. 

And throughout, has become more skilled in his fighting abilities, and more!

Leon Kennedy’s notorious for his athleticism, skill, and quick thinking which are all crucial to surviving the world of the undead. But what if you can train like him as well, gaining the same amount of skills, abilities, and more?

In this segment of the Character Workout series, we are going to go over the full 5-day comprehensive workout of Leon Kennedy, and go over everything you will need to become stronger, athletic, and charismatically awesome like him!

Let’s begin the breakdown, starting with the physical stats and ranking!

Check out some of our other Leon Kennedy Inspired Workouts!

Leon Kennedy Physical Stats 

Name: Leon Scott Kennedy

Height: 5’11

Weight: 155lbs

Abilities: Marksmanship, hand to hand combat proficiency, survival instincts

Alright, let’s talk about it!

Abilities of Leon Kennedy

Leon Kennedy is a figure of what it means to be a modern day action hero! His physique is lean, functional and very much able! Let’s go over some of his abilities so we can see what we need for a full workout plan.

Agility and Reflexes: Leon’s ability to dodge attacks, perform quick maneuvers, and outpace enemies is a reflection of his exceptional agility. This isn’t just about being fast; it’s about having the control and coordination to move efficiently under pressure.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Leon’s hand-to-hand combat skills are on par with some of the best martial artists. His training allows him to effectively neutralize threats up close, using a combination of strikes, grappling, and counters.

Endurance: The sheer amount of running, fighting, and surviving that Leon does requires an incredible amount of stamina. His body is built to withstand long periods of physical exertion without faltering.

Survival Instincts: Beyond physical capabilities, Leon’s survival instincts are razor-sharp. His ability to remain calm under pressure, make quick decisions, and use his environment to his advantage is a testament to his mental and physical training.

Leon Kennedy’s Physique 

This is one thing I personally like about the role of Leon’s physique - it’s not about looking good at all! I mean, I’m sure your aesthetics aren’t going to be a huge priority when it comes to fighting the undead and other supernatural beings. 

So this is strictly about being as functional as possible. Making sure your strength, speed, reflexes and more are up to it! His lean, muscular build is perfect when it comes to endurance and quick movements. 

His body isn’t an ornament, but a tool built for combat and survival. His lean muscle mass allows him to remain functional and athletic without injuring himself. His endurance keeps him going through longer durations without tiring out, whether he’s escaping a collapsed building or fighting solo. Leon’s physique is the exact reflection and byproduct of his performance, so we will prioritize performance and nutrition to build a physique like his!

Leon Kennedy physique


Leon Kennedy’s Physique Ranking 

Over at Action Hero Athletics, we devised a system for physique analysis. We call it the attainability scale.

This system helps us discover the realistic aspects of a character's physique and if it is genuinely realistic/attainable.

Tier 1: Realistically achievable (Natty)

Tier 2: Giga Genetics (Natty, but maybe not as easily attainable)

Tier 3: Not natty (requires PED's for maintenance)

Leon Kennedy’s physique is in the Tier 1 category - Realistically achievable (natty).

Leon Kennedy’s Performance Attributes:

Strength: 7/10 - Leon’s strength is enough to overpower most enemies, but it’s his technique and agility that give him the upper hand.

Agility: 9/10 - Leon excels in quick, precise movements, making him one of the most agile characters in the series.

Endurance: 8/10 - His ability to keep going under extreme conditions is a testament to his stamina.

Combat Skills: 9/10 - Leon’s hand-to-hand combat skills are exceptional, allowing him to handle enemies up close with ease.

Overall: 8/10 - Leon’s physique is a perfect blend of strength, agility, and endurance, making him a formidable character in any scenario.

Leon Kennedy Feats

This will be the core of our workout plan, identifying his strengths seen throughout the Resident Evil series!

Here is what we got according to his wiki:

Strength Feats

  • Pushed a 6.5 ton boulder

  • Fought off outbreak with an untreated gunshot wound

  • Survived a massive car crash

  • Killed 5 zombies in 2 seconds

  • Threw a knife faster than the eye can see

  • Withstood corrosive acid spit

  • Defeated Krauser, Trenchy, Saddler, Arias

Leon Kennedy Workout Principles

Leon Kennedy’s training principles are centered around being a performance jack of all trades that can handle all sorts of critical situations. This involves being able to do everything and more, while mastering all the skills possible.

Functional Strength: Leon Kennedy’s functionality isn’t about lifting the heaviest weight, but being able to perform in high stress, real life situations. Functional strength means training your body for tough things, as well as mimicking movements you may do in real life activities.

How to apply

  • Free Weights: Rather than doing machines, performing with strictly free weights (kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, bodyweight) will help you build real strength for real things. 

    • Example, doing an overhead press with a barbell versus a machine where you are seated.

    • Performing a farmers walk with Kettlebells to train the full upper body functionally.

    • Performing weighted calisthenics to enhance your stabilizers.

Agility and Reflexes: Leon Kennedy’s agility allows him to dodge and move around attack. His reflexes are essential for quick reactions and thinking.

How to apply

  • To develop agility and reflexes, focus on exercises that will enhance  your ability to move from place to place in the quickest times possible.

    • Perform cone drills that will enhance your footwork, speed and coordination.

    • Incorporate plyometric exercises to build explosive power.

    • Implement reaction drills and sparring to sharpen your reflexes.

Combat skills: Leon Kennedy’s combat skills are a blend of striking, grappling, and defensive techniques. This is crucial for self defense and taking on countless opponents at once.

How to apply

  • To develop combat skills, incorporate martial arts and self defense practices to improve your striking power, accuracy, timing and fluidity. Martial arts training won’t be included in this program, so you can check out our martial arts workout database!

    • Shadowboxing and heavy bag work will help you with your speed, accuracy, and overall endurance.

    • Grappling and sparring will be the true test of your conditioning. Perform safely, and responsibly.

    • Defensive drills will play a huge role in evading attacks, and help with your counter attacks!

how to workout like Leon Kennedy


How to Workout like Leon Kennedy in Real Life

From a gym bro’s perspective, here is what we can get out of a real life Leon Scott Kennedy training program!

  • Leon Kennedy’s functional athleticism 

  • Leon Kennedy’s combat prowess

  • Leon Kennedy’s physique 

Leon Kennedy’s Full Workout Breakdown

Workout frequency: 5 days

Training description: This 5-day Leon Scott Kennedy workout plan is designed to help you build lean, athletic muscle mass with performance to match!

Days 1, 4 and 5

These workout sessions will focus entirely on functional strength to build robust joints and muscles, using kettlebells, barbells and various other free weighted equipment.

These training days are designed specifically for strength, injury prevention, and plays a role as the safety net of our performance.

Days 2 and 3

These workout sessions will focus on athletic performance through agility, reflexes, and muscular conditioning - combining functional strength and athleticism.

As mentioned earlier, we won’t be covering the martial arts portion in this workout plan. But if you want to use our martial arts workouts as an accessory to this training plan, feel free to do so!

Here is where you can find our martial arts workouts:

Leon Kennedy Nutritional Practices

To build an athletic physique like Leon Kennedy, your nutrition should focus on providing enough energy to fuel intense workouts while supporting muscle growth and recovery. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutritional practices:

1. Calorie Intake

  • Maintenance or Slight Surplus: To build an athletic and lean physique, aim to eat at maintenance calories or a slight surplus (100-300 calories above maintenance). This ensures you have enough energy to perform at your best and recover, without gaining excess fat.

  • Calculate Your Needs: Use a Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) calculator to determine your maintenance calories, then adjust based on your goals (maintenance for lean gains, surplus for muscle growth).

2. Protein Intake

  • High Protein Diet: Aim for 0.8-1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth, especially when engaging in strength and high-intensity training.

  • Protein Sources: Focus on lean proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, lean beef, and plant-based options like beans, lentils, and tofu. Include protein in every meal to support muscle recovery throughout the day.

3. Carbohydrate Intake

  • Complex Carbohydrates: Carbs are your primary energy source, especially for intense workouts. Aim for 2-3 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight, depending on your activity level.

  • Carb Sources: Focus on complex carbs like whole grains (brown rice, oats, quinoa), sweet potatoes, and vegetables. Include fast-digesting carbs (e.g., fruits, white rice) around your workouts to fuel performance and replenish glycogen stores.

4. Fats

  • Healthy Fats: Consume 0.3-0.4 grams of fat per pound of body weight. Fats are important for hormone production, joint health, and overall well-being.

  • Fat Sources: Include healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish. Balance your intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for optimal health.

5. Nutritional Practices for Building Muscle and Athleticism

  • Meal Timing: Spread your meals throughout the day, aiming for 4-6 smaller meals. Include a mix of protein, carbs, and fats in each meal to maintain energy levels and support recovery.

  • Pre-Workout Nutrition: Consume a balanced meal 2-3 hours before training, including protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. A light snack or protein shake 30-60 minutes before your workout can provide an additional energy boost.

  • Post-Workout Nutrition: Focus on protein and carbs immediately after training to kickstart recovery. A protein shake with a banana or a meal with lean protein and rice/potatoes is ideal.

  • Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Aim for at least 0.5-1 ounce of water per pound of body weight, more if you’re training intensely or in a hot environment.

  • Supplements: Consider supplements like whey protein for convenience, creatine for strength and endurance, and omega-3 fish oil for joint health and recovery.

By following these nutritional practices, you'll be well on your way to building an athletic physique capable of handling intense, functional training like Leon Kennedy.

the Leon Kennedy workout


Day 1: Functional Strength


  • 5 minutes of jump rope

  • Dynamic stretches


  1. Deadlifts

    • 4 sets of 5 reps

  2. Squats

    • 4 sets of 6 reps

  3. Pull-Ups

    • 4 sets of max reps

  4. Farmer’s Carries

    • 3 sets of 50 meters

  5. Sandbag Lifts

    • 3 sets of 10 reps


  • 5 minutes of light jogging or walking

  • Static stretches

Day 2: Agility and Reflexes


  • 5 minutes of light jogging

  • Dynamic mobility exercises


  1. Ladder Drills

    • 4 rounds of each drill

  2. Cone Drills

    • 4 rounds of each drill

  3. Box Jumps

    • 3 sets of 10 reps

  4. Plyometric Push-Ups

    • 3 sets of 10 reps

  5. Reaction Ball Drills

    • 10 minutes of reaction ball work


  • 5 minutes of light jogging

  • Static stretches

Day 3: Endurance and Conditioning


  • 5 minutes of light jogging

  • Dynamic stretches


  1. HIIT Sprints

    • 10 rounds (30 seconds sprint, 30 seconds rest)

  2. Steady-State Cardio

    • 30 minutes

  3. Circuit Training

    • 4 rounds:

      • Kettlebell Swings: 15 reps

      • Burpees: 15 reps

      • Jump Rope: 1 minute


  • 5 minutes of light jogging or walking

  • Static stretches

Day 4: Functional Strength


  • 5 minutes of jump rope

  • Dynamic stretches


  1. Overhead Press

    • 4 sets of 6 reps

  2. Bent-Over Rows

    • 4 sets of 8 reps

  3. Lunges

    • 3 sets of 10 reps per leg

  4. Plank Variations

    • 3 sets of 1 minute each

  5. Single-Leg Deadlifts

    • 3 sets of 10 reps per leg


  • 5 minutes of light jogging or walking

  • Static stretches

Day 5: Functional Strength


  • 5 minutes of jump rope

  • Dynamic stretches


  1. Bench Press

    • 4 sets of 6 reps

  2. Romanian Deadlifts

    • 4 sets of 8 reps

  3. Step-Ups with Weight

    • 3 sets of 10 reps per leg

  4. Russian Twists

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  5. Turkish Get-Ups

    • 3 sets of 5 reps per side


  • 5 minutes of light jogging or walking

  • Static stretches

Leon Kennedy Workout



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